About Psychometry

Hi friends!!!!!!! Now i will tell you about psychometry. It is releted with psychic power. I hope you like this. If you like this please share your experience with us via comments..


A fun way to increase your clairsentience is to practice psychometry. Psychometry is learning about objects through touch by reading the energy on them.  It's a great way (and was my favorite way) to learn how to develop psychic abilities.  Follow these simple steps:
1. Ask someone to bring you small objects that you can practice on.
2. It helps if the items are small enough to fit in your hands.  Jewelry and keys are great, as metal holds energy well.  A piece of jewelry that has been worn a lot (such as a wedding ring) will have more energy on it than something that is rarely used.
In some of the criminal investigations I've worked on, we've also used clothing that was unwashed.  Honestly though, especially if you are just starting out learning how to develop psychic abilities, a small metal object will be best.
3. Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths.  Rub your hands together a few times to get the energy moving.  You may feel a tingling sensation in your hands.
4. Take the object in your hands and close your eyes.  Continue to relax and start to take note of how your body feels.  Do you feel anything?  See or hear anything?  If not, it's OK, there's no right or wrong here.  If you feel stuck, try asking yourself some questions such as:
  • Does this object belong to a man or a woman?
  • Is the owner of this object happy or sad?
  • Does this person have any children?
  • What kind of work does this person do?
5. Write down anything you feel even if it seems silly.  Don't filter anything.  The point of this exercise is to get you used to receiving energetic impressions.  If you are working with a partner, you can start blurting out your impressions out loud.
6. Ask the person who gave you the object for feedback to see if they can validate the things you felt, saw, or heard.
Note:  Even if you don't have a partner to work with, this is still a great exercise to practice when learning how to develop psychic abilities because it helps you get used to sensing and reading energy.
Tip:  Vintage family photos or family heirlooms are a lot of fun to practice on.  You never know what you might learn about grandma!
You might also enjoy visiting antique stores to see what energy you can feel on the objects!


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